Bloor-Annex BIA Parkettes

One part of the recent revitilziatino of Blood Street through Annex neighbourhood involved the BIA reclaiming leftover plots of land at intersections and construction a series of mini-parkettes.

The transformation provides seating and bike parking for the busy neighbourhood, and adds lush green plantings to what were previously impervious paved surfaces. Plant species were selected with care to ensure pollinators have flowers in bloom over an extended growing season from April to November.

“The project includes benches created from re-purposed Douglas Fir wooden beams salvaged from the Honest Ed’s building demolition nearby as well as granite sculptural benches made of stone cut-offs from a local quarry, designed by landscape artist Robert Cram.” - DTAH

Landscape Architects:

Toronto, Canada


King Street Parklet


John Street Footbridge